Marilyn Monroe titkos élete 2015


A chronicle of Marilyn Monroe's family life and how she succeeded in hiding her most intimate secrets from the press and an invasive world.

Todos los títulos
  • US: The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
  • IT: Marilyn: la vita segreta Marilyn: la vita segreta
  • PL: Sekretne zycie Marilyn Monroe Sekretne zycie Marilyn Monroe
  • RU: Тайная жизнь Мэрилин Монро Тайная жизнь Мэрилин Монро
  • US: The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
  • US: Marilyn Marilyn
Fecha de lanzamiento 30 May 2015
Enlace IMDb
